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Adult Day Services

A Fun Way to Learn Technology

The world of modern technology can be confusing, complex, and incredibly overwhelming, especially for young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Being able to understand and utilize various platforms has become a necessary part of everyday life. Those who do not have a grasp on technology are not hopeless. For those close to the Akron or Medina, Ohio area, they are closer than ever to being able to function in the modern world.

Getting help with learning various technology programs is a natural step for those seeking some type of independence. Only 18% of adults said they would feel comfortable learning how to use a new technology device on their own; meanwhile, 77% said they would like someone to help walk them through the process.


we would love to assist

If you know someone who belongs to that 77%, we would love to assist. They no longer have to spend hours squinting at the computer, tablet, or phone without a clue of how to do what they want. With the Onebridge Center Life-N-Tech program, our team can help individuals learn everyday online functions such as:

Finding recipes

Creating art online

Managing money

Online banking

Using transportation apps

Job search

How to apply to jobs

On top of these skills, we can help young adults find ways to get back into participating in the community. Isolation is a serious problem for adults and can lead to major health problems, such as depression and obesity. In fact, poor social relationships were associated with a 29% increase in risk of heart disease and a 32% increase in risk of stroke.

Facebook and local community pages have made it easier than ever to get involved with the community. In our Life-N-Tech program, we will also introduce participants to possible new hobbies, such as digital art and music. Once they have completed the program, they will have an endless supply of time-fillers and friends to keep them occupied.

Have Fun!

Through our in-person and STEP Adult Day Services, intellectually or physically disabled adults can learn how to operate multiple pieces of technology all while having fun. Yes, learning technology is going to be fun!

With the recreational style social program of Life-N-Tech, adults can learn while also participating in fun, familiar activities such as singing, volunteering, and arts and crafts. Having fun is an essential part of retaining information and boosting confidence, both of which are vital to maintaining knowledge after the completion of the program. While we will definitely welcome clients back with open arms if a refresher is needed, our goal is to give clients the knowledge they need to drive to their own success.


Each client has the opportunity to participate in creating a calendar of events based on their unique interests. Since fun looks a little different for everyone, we want clients to choose what will be most enjoyable for them.

Learn how to operate all the technology! Have an easier time connecting with the community and increase the likelihood of a longer, happier life!

If you have any questions, require more information, or would like to schedule a tour of our facility, please click below or call Anita Murphy at 330-267-7556. On the tour, our team of professionals will give you a closer look at what is taught during the program. Some participants even start planning their daily schedule on this visit. We hope to see you soon.

Know someone who could benefit from our services?